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Offering the latest news and in-depth analysis on the local and global residential real estate market for property buyers, sellers, investors and tenants.


What is residential real estate?

•    Any property used for residential purposes. Examples include single-family homes, condos, cooperatives, duplexes, townhouses, and multifamily residences with fewer than five individual units.

What are Live, work-play communities?

•    Formerly known as mixed-use developments, live, work-play communities are rooted in the idea that people are happier living in a neighbourhood that provides for most of their needs. A place where they can live, work remotely or at the office close by, and play, all within the same area. Live-work-play communities are no longer limited to city centres, either; they are now popping up in suburban areas as a way to mimic the conveniences of city life.

Who is a broker and what do they do?

•    A real estate broker, real estate agent or realtor is a person who represents sellers or buyers of real estate or real property. While a broker may work independently, an agent usually works under a licensed broker to represent clients. Brokers and agents are licensed by the state to negotiate sales agreements and manage the documentation required for closing real estate transactions.

Real estate investing vs. Real estate development

•    Real estate investing involves the purchase, ownership, management, rental and/or sale of real estate for profit. Improvement of realty property as part of a real estate investment strategy is generally considered to be a sub-specialty of real estate investing called real estate development.

Citizenship through real estate investment

•    A Citizenship By Investment (CBI) scheme is the process to legally grant individuals—and, in some cases, their families—a second citizenship in exchange for a financial contribution to the host country's economy. Some countries which offer the opportunity to obtain citizenship by investment are Portugal, Greece, Malta, Spain, St Kitts and Nevis, and Grenada.